When electronic music label Electric Hawk needed low-cost, hassle-free promotions for their fans, they turned to Chicago Signs. Together, we decided custom die cut vinyl stickers would be a great way for the label to promote its bands and musicians at festivals and music shows. To go along with the stickers they came up with an inspiring message that was simple enough to print on glossy full-color business cards. The front of the card is not much different than your standard card, with the brand name and information. The back side of these cards is where a keen difference stands out. They are designed with a short thank you message and a line of text that reads “Spread Positivity.” What a clever tactic! Electric Hawk was able to get a few hundred cards in front of a few thousand eyes by simply using a message that made the card easy to pass around. This is the ultimate way to make your marketing material work for itself!
To order custom die cut vinyl stickers, business cards, and other promotional items get in touch with our team today!